
Pakistan grapples with falling knives

The Great Throwdini (Frank Cullen) held millions of people captivated by his precision knife throwing, narrowly avoiding human bodyline. It is no surprise no one wanted to be that human target. The current new year has enacted the role of the Great Throwdini with Pakistan being the unwilling accomplice.

The regional conflict, escalation on its borders, deepening political turmoil, an indifferent ally in China, unyielding inflation and an increasingly challenging debt burden are all unblunted knives that can cause deep injuries. And we are not talking about Cricket yet.

Till now, Pakistan has bravely faced what ever is thrown at it. The sense of stability has been created much due to improved economic optics. And the way forward will also be to strengthen the economy.

Currency outlook

The Iran Pakistan conflict abruptly ended the slow & steady forward sale of dollars by Exporters. Even though the conflict is on the trajectory of reconciliation, it seems unlikely that there will be any resumption any time soon. Having said this, USDPKR seems to maintain its anchor at the 280 level, at least till there is a new elected government.

Analysts are also keenly watching the calculated escalation of hostilities against the Houthis in Yemen, and are hoping it is not intended to expand geographically.

KIBOR and interest rates

KIBOR has decreased by about 125bps during the last one month. This would typically prelude a rate cut, but with inflation refusing to subside, an interest rate cut in the upcoming MPC seems premature. With IMF’s review coming up next month, the best bet for a rate cut is in March 24.

USD Index looks firm

Despite the calmer conditions, the selling pressure on risk assets, and therefore the EUR/USD, may likely resume without a fundamental change in the current macro backdrop. Right now, the big concern is that the major central banks like the Fed, ECB, and BoE will not reduce interest rates as soon and as much as the markets have been expecting.

While in the case of the US, it is partly because of a relatively stronger economy, elsewhere – especially in the UK and Eurozone – it is mainly because of concerns about inflation remaining sticky, with wage pressures continuing to remain elevated.

Euro expected to trend lower


Shahzada Ahsan: The New Economic Mix

Room rates have quadrupled and rent-a-cars are unavailable. COP28 comes in a big way to Dubai, where the world’s leaders, ministers, movers & shakers are taking centre stage. You would also find the Sequoias, Khosla’s, and Bezos – all there ready to invest. COP28 (Conference of Parties) presents a crucial opportunity to put the world on a more sustainable path.

It is therefore no surprise that the IMF has insisted that Pakistan’s next budget must adapt to climate change demands. And it is not long before the majority of Pakistani production buyers will require compliance with an extensive checklist of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), which stakeholders will need to adopt on a fast-track basis. If they want to compete, this should start now.

US investors betting interest rates have peaked

In the US, Investors are betting higher that the Fed will soon start cutting interest rates – a bet that went into overdrive last week and ignited the strongest rally in bonds in 40 years, taking yields to just below the 4% mark. The Dollar Index also retreated marginally.

This rally is ignited by PCE (personal consumption expenditures price index) clocking in at 3% in October from a year ago, according to data released on Thursday, falling from 3.4% the previous month. This index is widely seen as the Federal Reserve’s preferred gauge of inflation, and although the reading was still above the Fed’s 2% target, the trajectory is lower.

Interest rate expectations in Pakistan

Two of the developments have put the brakes on a much-anticipated policy rate cut:
1. Rising SPI & CPI, primarily due to revisions in gas tariffs
2. A pushback by bond traders wanting higher yields.
Inflation is widely expected to fall in the Jan-Mar quarter but it’s too early to say where the policy rate will land in the next MPC. But surely a dovish stance by the Fed will help in justifying a rate cut here.

Currency outlook

Last week, we opined that FX will be range-bound but subject to news flow. Thus, Rupee marginally strengthened, even though the two factors cited for its strength were quite immaterial, which are:
1. Reserves rose by US$90mn
2. The trade deficit shrunk by 33% on a YoY basis. In the trade deficit area, the lion’s share was the reduction in imports & not the increase in exports, which is quite disappointing.

Continuing the news flow trend, the market widely expects the IMF BoD to approve the 2nd tranche on Thursday. Though the amount is a mere $700mn, it could drive USDPKR to the 280-282 level, at which level, the Central Bank will resume dollar buying to bolster its reserves.

As with the Climate change initiative, there is a lot the stakeholders (GoP, Regulators, Businesses) need to do on reforms and, in general, increase the nation’s productivity levels, if it were to grow at reasonable levels.

Read More: UAE Celebrates Global Achievements on 52nd Founding Day


Forex reserves surprise on the upside

That one time when you reach into your old coat and are surprised to find a stack of money in one of the pockets is exactly how analysts reacted to the +$787mn rise in forex reserves. The mystery inflow, with no mention from the authorities of the source, got everyone talking.

Sentiment gets better as this increase and the expected IMF tranche including the other multilateral flows would typically bode well for Pakistan. If multilateral flows keep coming in, Pakistan’s external funding gap will be a non-event.

Lessons learned from 2023

The year 2023 for Pakistan, was perilously close to bankruptcy, and by borrowing more money, it may have stabilised the ship but has not addressed the root causes. Some traction can be seen in terms of tax filers, efforts for privatisation, encouraging FDI etc, but with the fresh elections which are 5 weeks ahead, everybody is holding their breath over their continuity.

Post mortem

Looking back, the only significant action taken by the caretaker government was to contain the currency crises, and as Rupee redeemed from 310s to 280s, the panic subsided. It wasn’t by letting the Rupee find its true market rate. While the same is true for high-interest rates, it is not practical to cut rates when inflation is a raging problem. SBP is confident that inflation will fall back to 25% next month due to the rebasing effect, but it would seem improbable without strict implementation of writ of law.

Currency outlook

If all goes well politically, we will see the Rupee range bound for January. For later, it will rely significantly on how the elections transpire. But there is a realisation now that any abnormal devaluation of the currency snowballs into a full-blown avalanche, which should keep Rupee under the lid.

Strong performance by KSE100

KSE100 was one of the strongest performing markets with a 55% gain, though 2023 was a dream year for most stock markets the world over, with S&P, Nasdaq, Argentina & India growing by 24%, 54%, 70% & 17%.

Fed rates and emerging markets

The prevailing market consensus points toward lower interest rates in developed countries next year, with both the Fed and the ECB anticipated to make rate cuts. This bodes well for emerging markets as more capital will flow there. With the right amount of incentives, Pakistan may also benefit from this trend.

Due to this, two key trends are anticipated. First, the stock markets will continue their sizzle. Second, the dollar index will drop to below par.

Other key forecasts

Some of the relevant forecasts for 2024, sourced from around the world, are:

  • Gold will surge to $2,400 before consolidating just below $2,000
  • Property markets, led by China, will continue its lacklustre run
  • Modi/BJP and Putin will win their respective elections
  • Brazil with its huge investment in offshore drilling will become a major oil-producing country

By : Shahzada Ahsan Ashraf
Former Federal Minister of industries and production
Former chairman and Managing Director of PIA

Read More: Shahzada Ahsan Ashraf analyzes Pakistan’s economic uncertainties


Sad But Reality

Pakistan’s Political Uncertainty After Elections Is Credit Negative: Moody’s

Political uncertainty persists in Pakistan following inconclusive election results, a credit negative, says Moody’s Investors Services (Moody’s).

In a report on Pakistan, Moody’s stated that on 8 February, Pakistan (Caa3 stable) held its general election, with the vote count concluding on 11 February.


The results point to a hung parliament because no party has won enough seats—at least 134 out of the 266 contested seats—to form the majority government.

While negotiations between parties to form a coalition government are currently underway, prolonged delays will raise political and policy uncertainties at a time when Pakistan faces significant macroeconomic challenges, particularly its very weak external and liquidity position.

(The writer is a Former Chairman and Managing Director PIA, Former Federal Minister of industries and production)

Sad But Reality


Pakistan Growth Story in Tables

The economic watch is highly anticipated next week as all interest is on how the elections will unfold. We will take the opportunity to discuss Pakistan’s weak growth as one of the challenges affecting the economy after inflation.

We will also explore why reforms are required and identify global factors that could potentially harm Pakistan the most.

Table 1: GDP Growth Rate (World Bank)

Fiscal Year (FY)GDP Growth (%)
FY23 (Estimated)-0.6
FY24 (Projected)1.7
FY25 (Projected)2.3

Table 2: Economic Outlook and Challenges Report

Outlook and RisksSectoral Recovery Expectations
Sluggish economic growth expectedExpected recovery in the agriculture sector
High downside risksMarginal easing of import restrictions
IMF Stand-By Arrangement approvalSome recovery in the industrial sector
Reserves expected to remain lowStrengthening agriculture and industry supports services

Table 3: Export Projections (IMF)

Fiscal Year (FY)Export Proceeds (in billion USD)

Table 4: Remittances, World Bank Forecast for 2024

YearForecasted Growth (%)Estimated Remittance Amount (in billion USD)
2024-10Below $22 billion

Table 5: Global Factors Impacting Remittances in 2023

FactorImpact on Growth
Shift in trend: Families moving out of PKDecline
Weak growth in other GCC & EU countriesDecline
Oil prices and production dropDecline

Summary Table: Risks Without Reforms

Risks Without Reforms
– Exceptionally high risks
– Economic activity constrained. Anaemic GDP Growth
– Low investment & weak exports undermine growth potential
– Over 10 million people at risk of falling into poverty without reforms

Global Factors Table

Federal Reserve ActionFed crushes March rate-cut hopes. Will freeze liquidity. Stock markets remain south bound
China’s Property MeltdownReinforces belief in a global deflation shockwave stemming from China’s property market meltdown
Brent ForecastForecast range: $70 to $80; Breach above may not be good for the global economy & especially Pakistan
Geopolitical UncertaintyMore aggressive posture by warring countries may escalate uncertainty and commodity prices

(The writer is a Former Chairman and Managing Director PIA, Former Federal Minister of industries and production)


Pakistan Growth Story in Tables


The One Party Pooper

It is by now obvious that the party pooper in the country is inflation. Not only does it refuse to go away, but all other policies are directed towards normalizing it. It’s a global problem, with most economies prioritizing inflation over economic growth.

Impact on FX:

When the Rupee depreciates, it adds to the imported inflation component. To avoid this, a policy of a stable to stronger local currency has been adopted. This is part of the established ‘reverse currency wars’ we have written about earlier, with the objective to keep a lid on inflation.

The fiscal year started with USDPKR at 286. Judging by historic trends, an annual depreciation of 7-10% is typical, which supports the exporters and maintains REER near par. This would imply that June-end closing rates would be around 310/$. As of today, the Rupee is actually stronger by around 2%, and depreciation looks unlikely.

The new incoming government is unlikely to rock the boat unless inflation cools down significantly. Consequently, the Rupee is headed towards a soft close by June 24 end.

Exporters, who are now fiercely competing global manufacturers, and also facing domestic conditions like escalating cotton prices, energy, and labor costs, are taking the extraordinary risk of selling dollars forward to hedge their sales and give competitive prices. Though there is a slowdown in forward booking, it is still being done by larger exporters.

There also seems to be a concerted effort to keep swap premiums high amidst declining interest rates to support forward selling. SBP’s aggregate swap positions have reduced to $3.2bn from $4.5bn on June 23.

The stable currency has prompted higher trading numbers, business confidence, a robust stock exchange, and an inflow of portfolio investment. Month-to-date inflows are around $46 million, with about $19 million coming through the purchase of T-Bills by foreign investors.

Impact on Policy Rates:

In a poll conducted by Tresmark, 83% of participants do not expect any rate change in the upcoming MPC on January 29. In fact, the majority think there will not be any rate cut for another 2 months.

Here too, the party pooper is to blame. While the SBP has projected inflation to come down drastically, the revision in energy prices and fuel prices will keep inflation at elevated levels.

Turkey’s Inflation Problems:

Turkey increased its interest rates from 42.50% to 45%. Please read that again – 45%! And yet, its inflation has increased MoM and now soars to 65%. Part of their inflation problem is the spiraling currency. In spite of all the adjustments, Lira continues to fall, hitting an all-time low of 30/$ last week.
One of the main consequences of this devaluation is inflation – and lots of it. It is evident that since the people don’t trust the currency, any practical amount of rate hikes will not have a substantial impact.

Perhaps, they should look into reverse currency wars and find a way to strengthen their currency to address runaway inflation.

(The writer is a Former Chairman and Managing Director PIA, Former Federal Minister of industries and production)

The One Party Pooper


نگران کابینہ میں توسیع، شہزادہ احسن اشرف وفاقی وزیر مقرر

اسلام آباد(جنگ نیوز) نگران وزیراعظم انوارالحق کاکڑ نے شہزادہ احسن اشرف کو وفاقی وزیر مقرر کر کے سمری صدر کو ارسال کر دی ہے۔قبل ازیں نگران وزیر اعظم نے معروف اوورسیز پاکستانی طاہر جاوید کو معاون خصوصی مقرر کیا تھا۔نگران کابینہ میں وفاقی وزراء کی تعداد 19 جبکہکابینہ کی مجموعی
تعداد 28 ہوگئی ہے۔

Group 32265 (1)

Industrialist named as covering candidate of Nawaz

Shahzada Ahsan Ashraf, textile industrialist and grandson of Sir Abdul Qadir, on Thursday procured nomination papers as covering candidate of Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) Quaid Mohammad Nawaz Sharif from NA-123, Lahore. Shahzada Ahsan Ashraf is going to file nomination papers for NA-123 Lahore on Friday.
Talking to Business Recorder, Ahsan Ashraf said that Nawaz Sharif was contesting the bye-polls from NA-123, Lahore and he was just filing nomination paper as covering candidate. However, he said if Nawaz Sharif decided to withdraw, he would be the party candidate.
Shahzada Ahsan Ashraf, who is heading S.M. Shahzeb Group of Companies, said that the country as well as countrymen was facing manifold challenges for which joint efforts were needed to steer the country out of prevailing crises. About his political objectives, he said that he and his family believed in rendering selfless services to the country and its people.
He said that he had great regard for Nawaz Sharif and Mohammad Shahbaz Sharif, who were making dedicated efforts in the larger interest of the country. He said the PML-N was hope for the countrymen as the party was struggling for a strong, sovereign and prosperous Pakistan.
It may be mentioned that the Election Commission of Pakistan had announced to hold bye-elections in Punjab on two National Assembly Constituencies-NA-55 Rawalpindi, NA-123 Lahore and two seats of the Punjab Assembly-PP-82 in Jhang and PP-284 Bahawalpur.
As per schedule, the last date for filing nomination papers is October 3. The scrutiny of the nomination papers will be held on October 5 and 7, while the final list of the candidates will be published on October 18. The bye-polls will be held on November 7.
Political analysts were of the view that appearing of Shahzada Ahsan Ashraf as covering candidate of the PML-N Quaid indicates that Nawaz Sharif seems hesitant in contesting upcoming bye-polls. Also, his avoidance further hints at that the present set-up is fragile and it may lead to any situation like the mid-term polls ahead, they argue.
It may be noted that former foreign minister and PML (Like-minded Group) leader Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri has also smelled a day earlier in his press conference a change in political set-up in the context of Kerry Lugar Bill, conditioning that the security forces of Pakistan are not materially and substantially subverting the political or judicial processes of Pakistan.

Group 32265 (1)

NAB recovers Rs 13 million from NFML officials

National Accountability Bureau (NAB) has recovered Rs 13 million from the officials of National Fertilizer Marketing Limited (NFML), a subsidiary of Industries Ministry and private parties involved in urea scam, well informed sources told Business Recorder.

The sources said former caretaker Federal Minster for Industries and Production, Shahzada Ahsan Ashraf had submitted an application with NAB and requested a thorough investigation into alleged massive malpractices in NIFL in transportation, stocks, distribution and weight of bags. Minister for Industries and Production, Ghulam Murtaza Jatoi and Secretary Industries, Shafqat Naghmi are well aware of the current status of NFML scam.

NAB investigators, sources said, had conducted raids on godowns at different locations and found massive irregularities in stocks. Officials of Ministry of Industries and Production were also questioned. It was also revealed from investigations that ‘a gang’ of NFML officials headed by a person from its Accounts Group were involved in fleecing transporters on the plea that this amount is being paid to the Minister and Secretary Ministry of Industries and Production. NAB had also been informed about dumping of around 400 MT of urea from Eminabad store of NFML. On May 2, 2013, Deputy General Manager (Distribution) Uzair Abu Bakar wrote a letter to the then Managing Director in which he accused a senior official of involvement in the scam.

On March 26, 2013, NMFL Store Incharge Multan, Waqar in a written application had admitted receiving 1208 sweeps mix and short weight urea bags. NFML had also accused Naeem Ullah- Naib Tehseeldar of being involved in the following activities under different names at different periods: (i) cartage contractor under the name of Rahat Goods Forwarding Agency;(ii) labour handling contractor at Karachi godowns under the name of Fazal Enterprises (iii) tally contractor under the name of Fazal enterprises; and (iv) quality Pakistan System Registrar (FMC-Pvt) Limited. The sources said there is no let-up in corruption in the organisation despite NAB’s actions.

“Corrupt elements have fixed prequalification rate of Rs 2 million for existing transporters and Rs 50 million for new transporters,” the sources continued. According to sources, NFML’s real players have also allowed urea dumping to their blue eyed parties. “Officials are receiving Rs 120 per bag as commission, of which, according to their claim Rs 100 per bag are for high-ups in the Ministry and Rs 20 for the NFML officials,” the sources continued.

The sources further claim that imported urea meant for poor farmers is also being supplied to a chemical factory in Karachi. Pakistan Kissan Ittehad has also lodged a complaint against NFML for not implementing urea distribution policy in letter and spirit. According to the policy, 70 percent urea will be sold through dealers’ network whereas 30 per cent is to be distributed to the farmers directly.

When contacted, former caretaker Minister for Industries and Production, Shahzada Ahsan Ashraf claimed that he had provided documentary evidence of plunder of the national exchequer to NAB. “I fought bravely with corrupt elements in the attached departments of MoI&P during my two months stay,” he continued. Minister for Industries and Production Ghulam Murtaza Jatoi also issued a press release a couple of weeks ago and claimed that he recovered millions of rupees from NFML transporters and directed the concerned department to deposit it in the official account. NAB spokesman told Business Recorder that case is in at inquiry stage and action will be taken all corrupt under the law. He is further stated that NAB investigation team has recovered total 7809 under weight urea bags from NFML godowns.


NAB recovers Rs 13 million from NFML officials

National Accountability Bureau (NAB) has recovered Rs 13 million from the officials of National Fertilizer Marketing Limited (NFML), a subsidiary of Industries Ministry and private parties involved in urea scam, well informed sources told Business Recorder.
The sources said former caretaker Federal Minster for Industries and Production, Shahzada Ahsan Ashraf had submitted an application with NAB and requested a thorough investigation into alleged massive malpractices in NIFL in transportation, stocks, distribution and weight of bags. Minister for Industries and Production, Ghulam Murtaza Jatoi and Secretary Industries, Shafqat Naghmi are well aware of the current status of NFML scam.

NAB investigators, sources said, had conducted raids on godowns at different locations and found massive irregularities in stocks. Officials of Ministry of Industries and Production were also questioned. It was also revealed from investigations that ‘a gang’ of NFML officials headed by a person from its Accounts Group were involved in fleecing transporters on the plea that this amount is being paid to the Minister and Secretary Ministry of Industries and Production. NAB had also been informed about dumping of around 400 MT of urea from Eminabad store of NFML. On May 2, 2013, Deputy General Manager (Distribution) Uzair Abu Bakar wrote a letter to the then Managing Director in which he accused a senior official of involvement in the scam.
On March 26, 2013, NMFL Store Incharge Multan, Waqar in a written application had admitted receiving 1208 sweeps mix and short weight urea bags. NFML had also accused Naeem Ullah- Naib Tehseeldar of being involved in the following activities under different names at different periods: (i) cartage contractor under the name of Rahat Goods Forwarding Agency;(ii) labour handling contractor at Karachi godowns under the name of Fazal Enterprises (iii) tally contractor under the name of Fazal enterprises; and (iv) quality Pakistan System Registrar (FMC-Pvt) Limited. The sources said there is no let-up in corruption in the organisation despite NAB’s actions.
“Corrupt elements have fixed prequalification rate of Rs 2 million for existing transporters and Rs 50 million for new transporters,” the sources continued. According to sources, NFML’s real players have also allowed urea dumping to their blue eyed parties. “Officials are receiving Rs 120 per bag as commission, of which, according to their claim Rs 100 per bag are for high-ups in the Ministry and Rs 20 for the NFML officials,” the sources continued.
The sources further claim that imported urea meant for poor farmers is also being supplied to a chemical factory in Karachi. Pakistan Kissan Ittehad has also lodged a complaint against NFML for not implementing urea distribution policy in letter and spirit. According to the policy, 70 percent urea will be sold through dealers’ network whereas 30 per cent is to be distributed to the farmers directly.
When contacted, former caretaker Minister for Industries and Production, Shahzada Ahsan Ashraf claimed that he had provided documentary evidence of plunder of the national exchequer to NAB. “I fought bravely with corrupt elements in the attached departments of MoI&P during my two months stay,” he continued. Minister for Industries and Production Ghulam Murtaza Jatoi also issued a press release a couple of weeks ago and claimed that he recovered millions of rupees from NFML transporters and directed the concerned department to deposit it in the official account. NAB spokesman told Business Recorder that case is in at inquiry stage and action will be taken all corrupt under the law. He is further stated that NAB investigation team has recovered total 7809 under weight urea bags from NFML godowns.