
Concerns over selling national assets at low prices

The present Pakistan Army is running a number of institutions under the umbrella of the Army Foundation, and Army Welfare Trust. All these institutions are profit-making institutions.

It would be in the fitness of things, if PIA and the Steel Mills, both are the burden on national exchequer. If said loss-making units were taken over by the Pakistan Army, I am sure these loss-making units would soon turn into profit-making units. Selling of national assets to foreign buyers at a throwaway price is beyond comprehension. Moreover, the Federal government should support local manufacturing industries to generate domestic and foreign revenues. By way of selling quality products at a competitive rate, drastic cutting of considerable import bills, and increasing sizeable exports to international markets to earn precious foreign exchange to ensure timely payments to foreign creditors, and improve in GDP and per Capita income. Thus providing expected relief to the common man by the Federal and provincial governments.

One more thing I would like to bring to your kind notice is that due to the suspension of flight operations by the national career, the other airlines making hey while the sun shines. The unbridled fares of these airlines should be checked and caped to arrest the unhealthy practice of minting money and to save the passengers from paying forced fares at the sweet will of airlines.

Read More: The 5 C’s of credit & PIA’s financial responsibility
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